Mr.Cat Born With No Face: Hello Mr.Countertop Guy. Let me show you the problem that I am having with my sink.
Countertop Guy: Gee whiz Mr.Cat Born With No Face. The little cracks in the sink do require you to have a new sink installed. I'm just wondering, since you have no face, how did you know the cracks were in there in the first place?
Cat Born With No Face: Well, when I wiggle my butt down into the small side of the sink I can feel them on my butt. Hey, I have more than one butt crack. (Cat Born With No Face laughs hysterically at his own joke)
Countertop Guy:That's hilarious Cat Born With No Face, but really I need you to move if you want me to start working on getting this sink out of here.
Curtain closes. Thank goodness that's over.
Yeah, I am in a corny mood right now and my feeble attempt at humor failed miserably. At least I am consistant. Give me a break though, I'm a countertop repair man, not a playwright.
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very nice post
hahaha. very funny. it made me laugh today! thanks!
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