Okay, this didn't happen at work but I had to put it on here. Last Saturday night, my neighbors dog was barking all night long. I mean all night. When I woke up on Sunday morning, around the crack of noon, the dog was still barking like a machine without letting up.
I realized the neighbor wasn't at home so I decided to walk over and make sure that the dog wasn't barking because the house was on fire or something. When I got over there the dog, a boxer named Casey was barking down at the ground and every once in a while she would jump back 3 or 4 feet and then bark some more.
I guessed that she was barking at a snake or something so I ran and got my shovel in case it was a poisonous snake and I hopped the fence. I just about fell over when I saw what it was that she was barking at. A great big Snapping turtle had somehow gotten into the neighbors fenced in yard. The turtle was not happy and was definitely living up to it's name, Snapping turtle.
I put the turtle very carefully into a box and left it in there for about 4 or 5 hours because I was going to show him to a few of the neighbors before I let him go. No body was around so only one of the neighbors got to see him. After that I took him to a nearby creek that feeds into the Yadkin River and let it go. It was cool though I thought.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Great post. I was going to write something similar. Will check this blog more often I think.
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